Σάββατο 11 Ιανουαρίου 2014


Platinum Equity


We manage assets on behalf of large corporate, local authority, central government and

 charitable entities as well as on behalf
of individuals, via mutual funds and investment trusts.
 Our core skills in devising, producing and delivering products for clients across the full range 
of asset management activities allow us to meet the needs of this broad spectrum of clients.

We have developed strong relationships with our distribution partners across the globe, from 
local banks and independent financial advisers to global banks and insurance companies.

Platinum Equity is a dynamic organisation that prides itself on its innovation and specialisation.
 Our goals are completely aligned with those of our clients - the creation of long-term value.

Platinum Equity is a leader in financial services, offering solutions to clients in more than 8 countries with one of the most comprehensive global product platforms available. 

We have been helping our clients to do business and manage their wealth for more than 10 years. 

Our business has been built upon our core principle of putting our clients’ interests first.

Our company

Platinum Equity offers market-leading private financial and investment management solutions for 
strategic partners. PBC is headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and will expand
 internationally with the global.

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