Τρίτη 7 Ιανουαρίου 2014

L A Z A R O U - V A S S O U - F U R S ! ! !

Δειτε βιντεο απο την ΕΚΘΕΣΗ ΚΑΣΤΟΡΙΑΣ http://youtu.be/V6PNSagqC60

Lazarou & Vassou company has been in the fur business for more than 50 years.Our core competence is the production of beaver garments including all by - products.

We supply the market with the latest trends in fur garments created by a team of outstanding professionals. Our strengths is creativity, quality and comfort. Our promise is to care about our customer’s individual needs. Our advantage is the silky touch of fur design which is synonym with the name Lazarou & Vassou.


We create warm pleasure

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