Τρίτη 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Hand Of God Soccer Project (MINISTRY)

Hand Of God Soccer Project (MINISTRY)

…A sanctuary for vulnerable children that gives them hope for the future

The project also offers a spiritual community for the children where we encourage their spiritual growth and well-being.
Happy Active Children
Happy Active Children

The children of Hand of God Soccer Project come from a wide range of backgrounds. Some are orphans with no parents to care for them; some are classified as semi-orphans, having one living parent who cannot feed or educate them due to poverty or illness. Some of the children have been rejected by their families when a parent has remarried, a common situation in Uganda. Some are simply abandoned children and are provided with food, a safe place to live, basic education and much more.
The children at Hand Of God Soccer Project have truly found a sanctuary; they are not treated as lower class citizens but as favored children in a house of plenty — all of them. Not only have their lives been saved, but their futures are bright.
Hand Of God Soccer Project operates at the mercies of friends and partners plus well wishers who help to cloth, feed, educate and sponsor a child to like live and be accepted by the community like other privileged children.
HAND OF GOD SOCCER PROJECT exposes the children with soccer talent or potential and those who need to learn football to a safe place where they have the opportunity to interact and socialize to develop life skills.
    The Project strives to:
  • Reduce children’s feelings of isolation, powerlessness, and self-blame
  • Increase children’s self-esteem and help them develop a sense of empowerment
  • Facilitate healthy socialization skills in children
  • Foster good communication between caregivers and children, strengthening the likelihood of long-term stability within the new family unit


There are quite a number of reasons that force the children to end up on streets in Uganda, some of those reasons being domestic violence, harsh treatment by the step parents and guardians, and other forms of child abuse and discrimination.
Tragically, a child’s homelessness can lead to further abuse through exploitative child labour, prostitution, further vulnerability to drug abuse and isolation from society.
Not only does abuse rob runaway children of their material security, it also leaves them emotionally scarred. Many of the abused children Uganda encounters are traumatized and lose a voice. To aggravate matters, children often feel guilty and blame themselves for their mistreatment. Such damage can take years to recover from in even the most loving of environments; on the streets it may never heal. Many suffer from depravity, disease, hunger and abuse. On Kampala streets we see newborns to teenagers and families headed by children.”
A lot of these children have never known a home, having a kitchen, and bathroom, or even just to feel protected.
Some of them may have HIV but receive no medication while others have the virus unknowingly. Others have different infections but have to endure the ruthless life.
No one can do everything, but all can do something. And together, we can do much. Please help.

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