Σάββατο 26 Ιουλίου 2014



Welcome to The Fashion Hero
Hello Fashion Hero Members!

There’s only a few days left to receive votes for July! Voting will end at 11:58 PM EST July 31, 2014.

Make sure you share your profile with your friends and family so they can vote for you! If you tag @TheFashionHero on twitter we would be happy to retweet your message to our brands and followers.

The top five members with the most votes will advance to the television finale being filmed in Riviera Maya, Mexico this November 6th to 13th.

Votes earned during the previous month will be counted as part of your cumulative total for the season.

Remember if you have any questions about The Fashion Hero, please contact

Good Luck!
Go to your profile
Have a wonderful Weekend!

The Fashion Hero Team
 Go to your profile:http://thefashionhero.com/login/
Have a wonderful Weekend!

The Fashion Hero Team


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